Advertising at The Billings Petroleum Club
     "Serving Billings and the Rocky Mountain Region since !954"

Club Sponsors
At a tax deductible cost of $1,000 for advertising, this program provides an opportunity to support the Club while promoting your business.  Club Sponsorships lasts for 12 months from March through February and anyone can sign up in December, January or February.  Club Sponsors are recognized in the newsletter, the web pages, the cover of the Grill menu and get space for a plaque in the lobby.

Advertising in the Monthly Newsletter
A Business Card size ad can be placed on the back cover of the monthly newsletter for a cost of $25 per month.  The newsletter reaches a circulation of about 600 professional in the Billings community and surrrounding area.

Art on Consignment
At various times the Petroleum Club has provided space for paintings and other art work to be displayed for sale on consignment.  This is a good way to get exposure in the community.  There are some restrictions on what can be displayed and issues regarding responsibility are subject to agreement.

Please contact Jacob Kellert or Sue Slayton at the Club office (252-6702) if you are interested in discussing these options, or any other ideas that you have, for promoting your business with the Billings Petroleum Club. 

Billings Petroleum Club Home Page